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Digital QR-menu
for cafes and restaurants

Dine-in menu ordering

Speed up order processing and table turnover, while elevating the customer experience.

Delivery and pick-up menu ordering

⟶ order placement and processing
⟶ choice of payment
⟶ automatic SMS notifications

Online payment processing

Hassle-free acquiring integration. We take care of all the paperwork and technical tasks.

Perfect for

  • Restaurants
  • Cafes
  • Bars
  • Coffee Houses
  • Buffets
  • Bakeries
  • Pizza Shops
  • Food markets
  • Diners
  • Dark Kitchens
  • Street Foods
  • Bistro
  • Clubs
  • Hotels
  • Recreation facilities

Our clients

How it works:

menu menu

Create a menu in an easy-to-use web editor

table QR table QR

A QR-code is placed on the restaurant's tables


Customers can scan QR code via their smartphone, browse menu and place orders

video video
2-week free trial
19 usd / per month
Contactless menu

Provide contactless menu access via QR code or link from Instagram, Facebook, and TripAdvisor.

  • Website
  • QR menu
  • Dashboard
  • Live support
29 usd / per month
+ Order placement

Guests can place dine-in or delivery orders. An elegant solution for self pick-up and delivery.

  • Website
  • QR menu
  • Dashboard
  • Live support
  • Order processing
49 usd / per month
+ Online payments

Guests can pay online. Money is transferred to your account.

  • Website
  • QR menu
  • Dashboard
  • Live support
  • Order processing
  • Online payments

With one-time payment for 6 month, 7th month is free

Try for free


Anna Savina U ratushi
Pavel Soloviev Svodody 4

Digital menu benefits

Dedicated website

Get a gorgeous, fast and easy-to-use website on its own domain

Stop lists and updates

Update your stop lists on the fly, keep your menu up to date

User Insights

Understand your audience better. Get to know regulars and guests' average checks

Online sales

Funds are transferred to the restaurant's account without delays


SMS-notifications for guests and the restaurant at all stages

Decreased costs

Get rid of the website development and menu printing costs

Increased safety

Guests can browse the menu, order, and pay without the need for human contact

At your fingertips

Menu is accessible from any smartphone, no need to wait for a waiter

Remote waiter calling

Guests can call the waiter via a smartphone

Optimized for every phone

Lighting fast loading speeds, beautiful design, and user-friendly interface

Readable in any enironment

Menus can be easily read even in dimly lit interiors

Perfect for groups

A single QR code will serve the whole group

Error-free order processing

Eliminate the human factor when taking orders

Stop lists and updates

Update your stop lists on the fly, keep your menu up to date

Perfect for groups

A single QR code will serve the whole group

Increased safety

Guests can browse the menu, order, and pay without the need for human contact


SMS-notifications for guests and the restaurant at all stages

User Insights

Understand your audience better. Get to know regulars and guests' average checks


Why do I need a digital menu?

  1. Guests don't have to wait for a waiter to arrive.
  2. Guests can explore the menu on their smartphone, no app is required.
  3. The digital menu will always be at the guests' fingertips.
  4. You can quickly edit the menu and create promotions.

How to start?

Leave a request on our website. We will contact you and help set up a digital menu.

How to configure the menu?

  • We will assist you with the initial menu configuration for free. The menu in an electronic format and photos of the dishes are the only things we need.
  • You can also set up the menu by yourself in the easy-to-use online editor.

Do I need to upload photos?

Yes, photos are highly desirable. They will show off the food and whet your gests' appetite. Studies show that customers tend to skip menu items without photos, while dishes accompanied by photos attract the most attention

Can I edit the menu?

You can add, edit, hide and delete whole sections and menu items with an easy-to-use control panel

How do guests find the restaurant menu?

  • Offline - a QR code can be placed on tables, table toppers, entry points, bar counters, business cards, serving plates, etc.
  • Online - the link can be posted on your social media channels, restaurant's website, Trip Advisor, Facebok, Instagram etc.

How will the restaurant be notified about the order?

Each time the order is placed, a text message with order details will be sent to the restaurant's smartphone. The message will also be sent to the dedicated Telegram group.

How to call the waiter to the table?

Each table will have a unique QR code. When scanning the code, the table is getting automatically assigned to a particular guest, enabling remote waiter calling and order placement. The restaurant will recieve notifications via SMS and Telegram.

How are we better than our peers?

  • Well-thought-out design, extensive functionality and lightning fast speeds.
  • Intuitive and concise interface.
  • Domain connectivity.
  • SMS and Telegram notifications.
  • Ability to change menu items avaliability in real-time.
  • Online chat support.